Albany Symphony

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Albany Symphony Offers an Afternoon of Joy and Respite to Furloughed Federal Workers

The Albany Symphony today announced that federal employees affected by the furlough are eligible to receive two complimentary tickets to attend the Albany Symphony’s performance on Valentine's weekend, Sunday, February 10, 2019 at the Troy Savings Bank Music Hall. The afternoon of romantic music will feature Chopin’s brilliant Piano Concerto No. 2 with pianist Orion Weiss, Robert Schumann’s Symphony No. 2 and the world premiere of Annika Socolofsky's “Gaze.” 

“We hope the concert will provide a respite and afternoon of joy, especially for those who are facing difficult times" said Anna Kuwabara, executive director of the Albany Symphony, "We are grateful for the dedication and many services provided by federal workers to our community."  

The concert will begin at 3:00PM at the Troy Savings Bank Music Hall with an an onstage pre-concert talk scheduled for 2PM. Tickets to the performance can be reserved in person at the Albany Symphony Box Office, 19 Clinton Ave, Albany, NY 12207; open 10am to 5pm Monday through Friday. The Albany Symphony will continue this ticket offer for 30 days past the end of the shutdown.

This performance is made possible through generous support from Swyer Companies and Stuyvesant Plaza, New York State Council on the Arts, the National Endowment for the Arts, as well as the following season sponsors, Reel Seafood Co., WMHT Classical FM, and the Times Union.