Encore Society

Create a lasting legacy of orchestral music in our community by including the Albany Symphony in your estate plans. Gifts of all sizes make it possible for the Albany Symphony to maintain our tradition of artistic excellence, innovation, and community engagement for generations to come.

There are many options to make a planned gift, creating a legacy of music:

  • Charitable bequests

  • IRA or 401(k) beneficiary designation

  • Gifts of life insurance or appreciated stocks

  • A bequest in a will or living trust

To learn more about including the Albany Symphony in your estate plans, or to notify us of your plans and become part of our Encore Society, please contact:

Kirsten Broschinsky, Director of Development
(518) 465-4755 ext. 144 | kirstenb@albanysymphony.com

Join the members of the Encore Society in creating your own legacy

*in memoriam

Kaweeda G. Adams
Melody Bruce, MD
Charlotte & Charles* Buchanan
Susan Bush
Susan Thompson* & Al De Salvo
Marisa Eisemann, MD
David Emanatian
Alan P. Goldberg

Jerel Golub
Robert & Monica Gordon
Edward M. Jennings
Judith Gaies Kahn
William Harris & Holly Katz
Steve Lobel
Harry Rutledge
Gretchen A. & Lewis* C. Rubenstein
Rachel & Dwight* Smith
Paul Wing

The Albany Symphony is grateful to the following Encore Society Members who live on in our hearts

Matthew Bender IV
Charles B. Buchanan
Charles Liddle III
Adella S. Cooper
Dr. Heinrich Medicus
Marcia Nickerson

John L. Riley
Lewis C. Rubenstein
Ruth Ann Sandstedt
Dwight Smith
Harriet & Edward Thomas
Micheileen Treadwell