Albany Symphony

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Food for Thought - Hot, w/Mustard 8/16/20

Vegan Deviled “Eggs”

by Claire Henderson-Jain (Capital Region Vegan Network)

The third video in the Dogs of Desire’s newest series Hot, w/Mustard is a piece by Annika Socolofsky titled Light of a Clear Blue Morning. The video will go live on Sunday 8/16 at 6pm, and we hope you enjoy the release by trying a new recipe! This recipe for vegan deviled ‘eggs’ is brought to you by the Capital Region Vegan Network, our partners from last year’s American Music Festival, Sing Out! New York!

Summertime and re-opening of our communities calls for eating outside, picnics, and barbecues. These all-vegan deviled ‘eggs’ are the perfect addition to any sunny afternoon. The recipe calls for a few unusual ingredients, kala namak (black salt) to give the eggy taste and agar agar, however with a few simple steps that Claire will share you’ll be able to create vegan deviled eggs with ease.


"Egg whites"

  • 2 cups unsweetened, unflavored almond milk

  • 2 tsp agar agar powder

  • ¼ tsp kala namak (black salt)


·         ½ lb extra firm tofu

·         2 Tbsp vegan mayonnaise (Claire used Nayonaise)

·         2 Tbsp vegetable oil

·         2 tsp Dijon mustard

·         1 tsp white wine vinegar

·         ¾ tsp kosher or sea salt

·         ½ tsp kala namak (black salt)

·         ½ tsp turmeric

·         Freshly ground pepper to taste

·         Paprika, for garnish


  1. Combine almond milk, agar agar, and kala namak in a small saucepan and whisk to combine. Bring to a boil. Remove from heat and let cool for about 30 minutes at room temperature or about 5-10 min in the refrigerator.  The mixture is ready to pour into the molds when it doesn't settle out and remains white. To test this mix up and let sit for a minute or so to see if separation is occurring.  When it's ready pour into egg molds. Refrigerate for 30 minutes to allow to set.

  2. Combine tofu, vegan mayo, oil, mustard, vinegar, salt, black salt, turmeric and pepper in a food processor or blender. Blend 30 seconds or until smooth.

  3. Use a half-teaspoon or melon baller to scoop out a small circle from the inside of each egg half.

  4. Place the yolks in a piping bag fitted with a star tip. Fill each egg with yolk (alternatively, just use a spoon to scoop some yolk into each egg).

  5. Sprinkle with paprika and serve.

Vegan egg salad filling can be made in a similar way following these steps:

  1. Combine almond milk, agar agar, and kala namak in a small saucepan and whisk to combine. Bring to a boil. Remove from heat and let cool for about 30 minutes at room temperature or about 5-10 min in the refrigerator.  The mixture is ready to pour into the molds when it doesn't settle out and remains white. To test this mix up and let sit for a minute or so to see if separation is occurring.  When it's ready pour the mixture into shallow tray or bowl.  The shape of the tray or bowl does not matter as the "whites" will be cut or mushed up into smaller pieces.  Refrigerate for 30 minutes to allow to set.

  2. Combine tofu, vegan mayo, oil, mustard, vinegar, salt, black salt, turmeric and pepper in a food processor or blender. Blend 30 seconds or until smooth.

  3. Take the solid almond milk agar mixture and use a knife to cut multiple rows in various directions to make into smaller pieces.  Alternatively use hands to mush up the material into small pieces and combine with the "yolk" mixture.  Use this as your egg salad filling.