Empire State Youth Orchestra Celebrates 40 years! | Guest Post by Rebecca Calos, Executive Director of ESYO


Last weekend, during the raucous standing ovation that concluded Albany Symphony Orchestra’s magnificent season opener, I allowed my eyes to drift from the stage, to range across the audience.  Interspersed among our community’s elder patrons were youthful faces, excited smiles that I recognized: members of Empire State Youth Orchestra’s Symphony Orchestra.  Like me, these young musicians had come to enjoy the iconic Pictures at an Exhibition as well as to be introduced to Valerie Coleman’s Phenomenal Women, featuring Imani Winds. Like me, they came to admire the talented artists on stage.  But for the young musicians of ESYO, it was more than admiration: they came to project themselves onto that stage, to sit among professionals and envision themselves playing for appreciative audiences in packed concert halls.


Empire State Youth Orchestra’s membership is more than 600 youth from across a two- hour radius of our region. These young players enjoy outstanding instruction from school music teachers and private instructors and the fabulous ESYO conductors; they play in one of our twelve performing ensembles as well as their school orchestras, and often small combos too. They aspire to be great. They love to share their passion for music-making with others. Albany Symphony Orchestra serves as inspiration not only through the exceptional concerts they offer throughout the year.  Albany Symphony musicians serve as coaches for our young players and adjudicators for our auditions. Albany Symphony musicians are ESYO alums. They are ESYO Board members, mentors, and advisors.

This year, Empire State Youth Orchestra turns 40. Albany Symphony Orchestra is more than double our age, leading the way in our community since 1930.  ESYO looks to Albany Symphony for guidance, and collaboration, knowing that some of the best teachers for our students are in the Albany Symphony, and that some of the best opportunities are provided by orchestra’s adventurous programming.  Our percussionists have performed alongside Albany Symphony at the Contemporary Music Festival; our Jazz musicians joined in making “water music” along the canal.  As we celebrate our 40th Birthday, we also thank those who have helped us grow.


In honor of our 40th, we are planning to go “BIG!”  ESYO Symphony will open their season on Saturday, November 2nd at the Troy Music Hall with a concert featuring ESYO Alumnus Kenneth Olsen—a proud Colonie High School graduate, and current Assistant Principal cellist of the Chicago Symphony—playing Elgar’s Cello Concerto.  To celebrate our 40th, our musicians will offer a jubilant program: Shostakovich’s Festive Overture, Strauss Jr.’s Overture to Die Fledermaus and Respighi’s Pines of Rome. Last weekend we all delighted in the performance of the Albany Symphony Orchestra; now I invite you to come and hear where it all begins, with our youth.


 Close your eyes, and you will believe you are hearing professional musicians; open your eyes, and you will be thrilled by their youthful exuberance. Members of Empire State Youth Orchestra’s flagship ensemble, the Symphony Orchestra, are some of the most exceptional young musicians in our region. I guarantee that when you hear them, you will be amazed. I encourage you to join us on November 2nd at the Troy Savings Bank Music Hall.  Our young players are eager to share their passion for music-making with you.

As with all our concerts, tickets are “Pay What You Wish.” ACCESS ESYO is made possible by a generous grant from the League of American Orchestras. Suggested donation is $20.  You can reserve your seats at esyo.org.

Join us for an outstanding evening of music, and be inspired by the next generation of symphony performers!