Albany Symphony 2017-2018 Annual Report

Revel in the thrilling performances, engaging projects, and continued success of the Albany Symphony!

We are delighted to share with you our Annual Report and the highlights of the Albany Symphony’s 2017-2018 season — on stage, in our schools, in the community, “from Albany to Bu alo,” and to our Nation’s Capital!

In addition to our mainstage performances (pages 6-7) at the Palace Theatre, Troy Savings Bank Music Hall, Proctors, and EMPAC, the Albany Symphony ventured forth right away in July with Water Music NY, a seven-concert and community collaboration tour in celebration of the Erie Canal’s bicentennial (pages 4-5). In April, the Albany Symphony had its Washington, D.C. debut as one of only four orchestras nationwide invited to participate in the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts & Washington Performing Arts SHIFT Festival (page 9). In June, our season centerpiece, the American Music Festival (pages 10-11) branched out to downtown Troy with a free outdoor concert at the Troy Riverfront Park. Outside the limelight, but no less important, our Education and Community Engagement activities continued apace (pages 12-13).

LOOKING FORWARD. One important activity we pursued in 2017-2018 was a strategic planning process to chart a solid and meaningful course forward for the Albany Symphony. With thoughtful input from members of the Board, musicians, staff, volunteers, and the broader community, we articulated our guiding vision: to transform the lives of the people of our community through the power of music. We encourage you to consider our strategic priorities on page 14 and let us know your reactions, questions, and ideas. We look forward to sharing with you more about our strategic plan in the near future.

COLLABORATORS AND CHAMPIONS. The work of the Albany Symphony is the result of tremendous dedication from many talented and passionately caring people. We would like to thank the Albany Symphony musicians for their artistry and dedication; the administrative sta for their tireless hard work and creativity; the Vanguard volunteers for the myriad ways they enable our e orts; and the Board for their thoughtful governance, deep support, and great commitment to the Symphony and the community. You will also see throughout this report many other individuals and organizations without whom our work to enrich and celebrate the Capital Region would not be possible.

We thank you for your continued support, active participation, and being an Albany Symphony champion. We look forward to next year’s adventures with you in transforming lives through the power of music.

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Click here to read the Albany Symphony 2017-2018 Annual Report