Our first-ever performance at Hutton Brickyards was a success! Thank you, Kingston, for celebrating Father’s Day and Juneteenth with us!
TrailBlaze at Kingston
Hutton Brickyards
Join us on the shore of the Hudson River at a former brick factory recently revitalized into a stunning hotel and events venue. Come visit the shops and attractions in Kingston, the Hutton Brickyards property, and the new Sojourner Truth State Park a short walk up the Empire State Trail.
outdoor activities - see full schedule below
10:00am-4:00pm - Activities in the Rondout
4:30pm - Hutton Brickyards gates open for parking
5:00pm - Music, food, funzone, and Dad Joke Contest
6:15pm - Opening Act: Taína Asili
7:30pm - Albany Symphony performance
9:30pm - Fireworks
Albany Symphony Performance Program
Loren Loiacono: Empire Lines for Percussion Quartet and Sinfonietta
Aaron Copland: Appalachian Spring
Viet Cuong: Re(new)al for Percussion Quartet and Orchestra featuring Sandbox Percussion
with popular favorites by John Williams, John Philip Sousa, and a folk song sing-a-long!
Daytime Events & Activities Partners
All Day - Explore the region by boat or by rail with a Rip Van Winkle Boat Tour, explore the Hudson River Maritime Museum and take a trip on Solaris, their solar-powered boat, and tour the Trolley Museum of New York and take a scenic ride through Kingston on one of their restored trolleys!
8:00-10:00am - Self-guided cycle and hike in Sojourner Truth State Park
11:00-12:30pm - Healing Sounds with Root3d lead by Rebecca Kelly G in Cornell Park
1:30pm-2:30pm - Dance and drumming workshop with Jordan Taylor Hill in Cornell Park
4:30pm - Hutton Brickyards gates for parking, food & beverage concessions and BYO self-seating in Butler pavilion
5:00pm - Food and drinks available from Hutton Brickyards and local vendors
5:00pm - Free FunZone activities and a Dad Joke Contest
6:15pm - Opening Act: Taína Asili
7:30pm - Albany Symphony Performance
9:30pm - Fireworks
Thank you to our food & drink vendors